Sunday, October 03, 2004

Oodles going on...

It has been another busy weekend. Friday night was our girls’ dinner. We went to Vaquero's on Metairie Road. It was good and we had a nice group that went to dinner. We got a chance to catch up and visit. We missed some of the girls this month. Not everyone can make it every month with everything that is going on, but we try! Nicole had to miss it this month because her son, Alex had surgery on Friday. He is doing well and everything went OK, thank God. I ran into my Uncle Malcolm and Pia at the restaurant, so that was an unexpected pleasant surprise.

On Saturday, was our neighbor, Jaime and Todd's wedding at 11:00 a.m. It was at St. Rita's Church and the reception was at Chateau Country Club. We all had a lot of fun! We continued the party once we got home, too. Lauren came over with her three girls and they played with our neighbor's kids for a while. Lauren said she needed "therapy" after coming to that "therapy!" She'll need to come again without the kids one time! I'm sure she'll have more fun!!

Today, I recuperated from the long day we had yesterday and watched the NASCAR race from Talladega!!!! It was awesome!!!!!!!!! Dale Ehrhardt Jr. won again for his fifth time at this track! Aunt Cheryl got in her car yesterday and went to race by herself! I think she brought Jr. some good luck in the race!!! I'm glad she went, because I know she really wanted to go!

Today is Lauren's birthday. We were supposed to go to St. Angela's fair to hear the Bucktown All-stars play, but that didn't work out. She had other obligations. But Happy Birthday, Lauren!!!

(Just an update: My make-up days for work are on November 1st, which is one of the days I'll be in NYC and the other three days are the week of Christmas! But I have a wonderful substitute lined up for the days. Election Day is still a holiday.)


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