Sunday, November 07, 2004

Jenni and George's baby is here!!!!

Jenni called me Friday, (Nov. 5, 2004) morning around 10:15 and said her water had broken and they were on the way to the hospital. She was 3 cm dilated for most of the day. But 10:00 p.m., she had not progressed, so they did a C-section on her.

She delivered a beautiful little boy, Henry Allen Cutrer, at 11:38 p.m. at Wesley Hospital in Hattiesburg, MS. He weighed 7 lbs and 5 oz. and was 20 ½ inches long.

Jenni’s cousin, Libby, and I went up to Hattiesburg to see the Cutrer family on Saturday. Henry is so adorable! He has a big dimple in his chin, like I have never seen before!! It’s just like his daddy’s and his Uncle Doug’s! He also has Jenni’s fingers to the tee!! It is so incredible!

I’m so happy for Jenni and George! They are going to be amazing parents to Henry!

I have posted pictures on my website. They can be seen here.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Back from NYC and I'm officially going to be "Aunt T!!"

We are back from our New York trip!!!! It was just fantastic! We did everything that we could in the days we were there. Some of us went to see the Broadway Play "Wonderful Town." It was the best play I have ever seen! I thoroughly enjoyed it! I even managed to get a picture with Brooke Shields!

We did so much, there is not enough time to post it all, but there are pictures posted on Glenn and Tammy's website. You can view them here.

We also were surprised with the news that Glenn and Tammy are expecting a baby in May!!!!!!! We are just thrilled and couldn't be happier! I'll now be an official "Aunt T!"

Well, I'm off to bed to rejuvenate this tired body of mine. Those New Yorkers really move fast and we had to move fast, as well, in order for us not to be walked or run over!! Now, it's back to the slow-paced world of New Orleans!