Sunday, August 29, 2004

Back at work!!!

Hi! I'm back at work, after such a nice and relaxing summer. I had forgotten how exhausting my job is the first few weeks of school. I felt like I had been hit by a Mack truck everyday at 4:30. It's so hard getting back into the swing of the procedures for the students (and us teachers)!! ;) I know it will get better as the weeks go on. I had my duty week last week, so at least that is over until October! My days won't be as long now, as they were last week. That extra time just makes the day so much harder. My class seems to be a good group of children. We have many new kids to our school, which is another obstacle. And I sure wish I knew some Spanish...Seems like I have a lot of non-English speaking children this year! Boy, is that hard on them and me right now. However, I know it won't be long until they learn English. Kids pick it up so fast! Thank goodness!!

I have had 2 showers in the past 2 weeks. One was for Stephanie's baby and the other was for our neighbor, Jaime's wedding. They were both very nice. Jenni's baby shower will be coming up soon, too, so that will be fun, as well.

I did enjoy the Bristol NASCAR race last night!!!! My 'man' Dale Jr. WON!!! That race is always such an exciting race, no matter who wins. But how sweet it was last night!!

Not much more going on here...I'm just trying to recuperate this weekend and get myself back together from a long week at school.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Jam Packed Week and Weekend!

This week and weekend were jam packed with functions for our family. Glenn and Tammy were in town from Orlando for Marc’s wedding. That turned out to be a blessing in disguise, considering that Hurricane Charley hit Orlando! Their home is ok, but he said they have lots of trees uprooted and it’s a mess.

Marc’s rehearsal for the wedding was Thursday night. The dinner was at Ralph’s on the Park. The dinner was delicious and everyone who made speeches did a wonderful job.

I did have some of my “Jeep Bad Luck” happen that night, however. My car got broken into at the restaurant. I had valet parked it, thank goodness, but four kids broke the glass and were trying to steal ‘whatever.’ They didn’t take anything, thank God! The valet guy caught them and they were detained by the police, but were released shortly after. Fingerprints were suppose to be taken by the police, but since the car had been moved from the crime scene, they couldn’t take them or something like that! So, I had to get the window fixed on Friday! It’s always something!

On Saturday, it was my cousin, Marc and Bridget’s wedding. We had a fantastic time! The ceremony was at Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church and the reception was at The Riverview Room. It was awesome weather for a wedding! (Our temperature dropped last week and we couldn’t be happier down here!!) We danced a lot at the wedding to the band Stormy and hung out with family and friends. Some of our cousin’s went out after the wedding, too. We are all suffering today! ;)

I have posted pictures from the wedding on our website. You can check them out here. I have to get a CD made from pictures that I took with my uncle’s camera. I took a bunch for him at the church, so there will be more to come!

I only have 2 more days off of work!!! :( Those nine weeks sure do fly by when you are having fun!! ;) It was good that I have been so busy lately, because I didn’t even have time to think about going back to work! I’ll let you know how it all goes this week back.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Family week

I know it's been a while since I made a post on here, but it's been a busy couple of weeks.

I have been getting ready for school to start back. I go back on Aug. 18th. I'm not ready for it to start, but I know once it does, it'll be ok. The anticipation is worse than actually going back! I'm looking forward to seeing the children again. I have had a good summer and spent time with friends and family and even managed to get out of town for a vacation!

Glenn and Tammy came in town on Saturday from Orlando! Glenn, Scott and I gave my mom a big surprise on Saturday night when Glenn arrived here. She was in so much shock and cried for hours! (Kind of too personal to talk about on the internet!) Our cousin, Ryan, spent time with us that night, since he was spending the night at our Ma'Ma's house! We watched a movie and hung out. He is such a great kid! It was really great to be with him. He has so many stories and is hysterical!

We went to Tammy's parent's house yesterday to celebrate her birthday. (There are pictures are posted here.) It was very nice. After her party and Mass, Miss Phyllis, Mr. Billy, Steven and Drew came over for "therapy" last night and it was fun, as usual! Then, Glenn and I stayed up playing on the computer and playing with TiVo late last night!

We will be busy throughout the week. We want to go swimming at the club one day for sure. It's been a while since Glenn has been over there! On Thursday, Tammy, my mom and I are going to pamper ourselves and go get pedicures! Saturday night is our cousin, Marc's, wedding. We have the rehearsal party on Thursday at Ralph's on the Park! It will be a fun-filled weekend! I'm looking forward to it!